Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day Party

Sunday we had our annual Labor Day party. We always have so much fun with our friends and family. Jonathon came home for the weekend and we all enjoyed seeing him again. He won't be back home until Thanksgiving. Here is a slideshow of who was here and the fun we had. This was my first year of sitting back and watching everyone else play because of my knee surgery. I still had fun watching everyone else. If you don't know who someone is, click on the link and all of the pictures are captioned. I can't get them to show up on the slideshow.

Jonathon headed back to NC Monday evening around 10:00pm and he had to stop in KY to pick up another guy on his way back. I talked to him this morning and he was within 1 1/2 hrs from base. Depending on what direction hurricane Hannah takes, Jon's base could get hit. His base sets on the ocean and is located in Jacksonville. (He is on the southern part of NC)

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