Thursday, July 24, 2008

Busy Day

Yesterday I spent the day working around the house, mowing and gardening. My garden got a little out of hand after my surgery but I got it back under control now. I am finally back to push mowing although I'm not real sure if I am suppose to be doing this or not. I don't like to wait on other people to do stuff for me so I threw caution to the wind and decided to just do it. So far so good! Last night me and Trin went and picked green beans so I would be ready to can them this morning. This was my first attempt at canning anything but nothing broke and my house is still standing so I think I did good. I can remember when I was little mom would either be very stern about staying away from the canner when she was canning or she would have me stand right in front of it to tell her if the pressure gauge moved! To this day I am terrified of canning but some things I just have to do myself.
Anyway, I got two canners canned and ran errands the rest of the day. Tommorrow evening we are going to pick corn to put away Sat. morning bright and early. This is always so much fun ;) but is worth it in the end.
I took some pictures of Trin yesterday to show how goofy she can be and she insisted that I put them on my blog. She thinks it is awesome that she is on the internet!
We are also counting down the days until kindergarten. She thinks she is ready but I think it will be a different story come the first day.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Probably the reason your mom was so paranoid about the pressure cooker is that we saw our dad almost get his head taken off by one. I was really little but I still remember it so your mother would have definitely remembered. She would be so proud you doing your own! When I scrolled down and just caught a glimpse of that pic of Em and Jon for a split second I thought it was of me.(100 lbs and 100 years ago of course LOL);)
