Thursday, March 26, 2009

First Tooth!!

We had another first last night. Trinity finally lost her first tooth. Her bottom two teeth have been loose for a while but last night she bit down wrong and it really got loose. As she was looking in the mirror wiggling her tooth, it popped out and she almost swallowed it. She was fine until it started bleeding! Here is a picture that she wanted to take.

She was so excited that she could take her tooth in for show and tell today but then she woke up again this morning with the flu! She was better yesterday but got it back again during the night. So we are home again today getting better. I told her that she could take her tooth tomorrow.


Sheena said...

Awww...Poor Trinity hope she feels better soon!! Macey lost her first tooth in FL last summer then she lost another one a little later... Now she has 4 loose!!! She's going to look so funny w/out any teeth!!

Sue said...

Congratulations Trin! Did the tooth fairy come yet?