Thursday, August 14, 2008

First Day

The first day of school went really well. She came home got a snack and wanted to take a nap. I told her we were not taking a nap so we went out to papa's to stay awake. Trinity can't just take a short nap and I knew she would not go to bed that night if I let her. After supper and a bath she got a second wind and I had to make her go to bed at nine.
She said she really liked her teacher, had fun, and made a new friend, but she couldn't remember her name. Yesterday she came home telling me that she got to meet her teacher's mom and thought that this was sooo funny (her teacher's mom is also a kindergarten teacher). I guess she didn't think teachers should have moms! Tonight they are having a "meet the teacher" night so we will go out there after John gets home. He hasn't seen her class yet and they are already having a book fair so she thinks she needs to get a book. She is still riding the bus in the morning, but wants me to pick her up in the afternoon because she said she has to wait too long on the bus.

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