Thursday, May 14, 2009

You better sit down for this!!

Are you sitting?


Here goes!;)

Trinity is going to be a big sister in January!!! Yes I know everyone gave up on me but it's true and we are all very happy. The baby is actually due around Mom and Lou's b-day! Wouldn't that be the coolest! Trinity told EVERYONE at school, even the Assistant Principal! She is sooooo excited. Well that's all for now. Will post more later.


Kristin said...

She was so cute telling everyone the other day! She was grinning from ear to ear!

Sue said...

congrats Melissa! I'm very happy for you and yes I did think maybe Trin was going to be an only child for sure! lol

Sheena said...

YAY! CONGRATS! Macey was telling me all about it...hope youre feeling good!

Amber Velazco said...

Yea!!!!! Congratulations to all of you. That's so exciting.

Mandi Knepp said...

Congrats to you and the fam. Its always exciting to add someone new to the mix!