Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Where Does The Time Go?!

I was looking at my blog and realized that another two weeks has almost went by since I posted. John has been out of town and Trin and I are just hanging out and trying to carry on with our routine. He is suppose to be in sometime early Sunday morning. I think he will be home for two weeks and then go back for two weeks. We had parent teacher conference this past week and of course Trinity did fine.

Yesterday started just like any other day. I took the girls to school and was planning a day at the house and running some errands but little did I know that God had other plans. I got a phone call yesterday morning that a very good friend of mine from Vincennes had a heart attack and was not doing very well. So I went over to the hospital to visit thinking that she would eventually be OK and I could visit with her. When I arrived at the hospital, her husband tells me that she suffered extensive brain damage due to lack of oxygen and she is in a vegetative state with no brain activity. To make a long story short and to spare you the details, tomorrow is her 40TH b-day. She leaves behind a wonderful husband, a daughter, son, and grand daughter that she has been raising as her own. And also all of her other wonderful family. I told her husband yesterday that my mom has been gone 13 years and I still don't understand why God took her, but I do know that there is a reason that I may never know. His big question right now is "Why, why her?" Been there, done that.

Anyway, please pray for God's will in this situation. There's nothing else left for this family to do but pray.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Has It Really Been Two Weeks?!

I can't believe that it has really been two weeks since I posted. I am so busy right now that my days are kind of a blur. I have been subbing a lot at the high school recently which is a good thing. The last two weeks have been crazy.

A week ago last Friday, Trinity cheered at the high school football game with the cheerleaders. The cheerleaders have a cheer clinic the Thursday before and teach K-6th grade girls some cheers and dances and then they preform at the football game. She really enjoyed herself. It was neat to see all the new friends and people that she has met since she started school. She is coming home all of the time saying she has made a new friend. My husband John found out Tuesday that he would be leaving for Iowa this morning for two weeks for work. We had to get stuff around and try to cram family time into a few shorts days. Thursday after school we headed off to Wal-Mart to buy more work clothes and then went to Mr. Gatti's for pizza and games. Friday night we went to the corn maze with some friends to pick pumpkins and have some fun. John left this morning but there was still work to be done. I picked 5 gallons of green beans, canned them, carved two pumpkins, and took Trinity to the movies with some friends to watch "Beverly Hills Chiauhuas (spell?)". We had a good time and her friend is spending the night with us and going to church with us in the morning. I have nursery duty so we have to be there a little earlier than normal. Monday I am volunteering at the Elementary school to help with picture taking, Tuesday I am working at the high school, Wednesday is parent/teacher conference, and Thursday is our towns fall festival. I was going to try to go to the Covered Bridge festival but I don't think I can squeeze that in anywhere! My brother Jon finally got his Top Secret clearance in the Marines and then informed me that he also got the next clearance above that. I asked him how he got the extra clearance and he said that he just convinced them that he needed it! That sounds like him and I just have to laugh. He signed up to chaperone a 7th grade canoe trip this weekend before he realized that he would be giving up a four-day weekend to do this! They asked him if he had any experience canoeing and he said sure! I don't think he has ever been in a canoe in his life, so let's hope that all turns out OK!