Sunday, July 19, 2009

Summer Break!

I have not posted since the end of school and now we only have like 3-4 weeks left before school starts again! Where has the summer went?! We haven't done a whole lot of anything. We normally go to Florida over Memorial day but because of ball season this year it just didn't work out. We were planning on going in July, but I decided that Florida in July is not my cup of tea this year! It's one thing to be hot, it's another thing to be hot and pregnant! We are in the middle of another remodel at our house. We have been gradually pulling out all of our carpet and refinishing the hardwood floor underneath and we are finally on the last part. Yeah!!!! My house is carpet free!! John will start the sanding when he gets home on Thursday. Trinity celebrated her 7th birthday on July 15th and had a really good time. I can't believe she's seven already.
This past week we had a bunch of family up from Florida. Dads brother Fred and his wife Diane, their daughter Tina and her husband Mark and son Chase, and their other daughter Amy and her husband Scott and their kids Leyton and Haven. We hung out with them all week and Trinity made some new friends. She already talking about how when we go to Florida next year that we have to go down and see Haven. Thursday we went to Holiday World with everyone and had a really good time, even though I had to sit on the sidelines this year! Friday I canned the first of many tomatoes for the year. It's almost time to sign up for school again and we can't wait to find out who her teacher is and who is all in her class. I'm not sure if I will be subbing again this year or not. We are waiting to see what happens. That's all for now. I will try to post more later. Oh yeah, Jonathon will be coming home Aug. 6th through Aug. 17th. Just a couple more weeks!!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

It's Been Awhile, Again

I know it's been awhile since I posted on here but life seems to move too fast. Since I posted last I went to my first drs. appointement and my estimated due date in Jan. 6th. I didn't see the dr. only the nurse so I go back on June 1st to see the dr. We had our annual yard sale which is always crazy but we always do really well. We are going to have another one on June 6th with the Odon yard sales to see if we can sell the rest! My brother Jon is home this week and we have been enjoying him being around. He has spent some of his evenings racing go-carts with dad down at the Miller race track in Montgomery. This is dads new hobby and thinks it is great! We went to Rachel's graduation on Friday, she's finally done and will start VU this fall. Two more days of school left and Trinity will be in first grade! It's hard to imagine she will be seven in July. When Trin goes to Jr. High I will be putting one in kindergarten and starting all over!! Leighann's sister and family were here from Nebraska for graduation. Leighann's neice and Trinity are best friends and played all day yesterday. Even at the race track last night they were running around and playing. They don't get to come very often but Trinity takes off with her friend like they see each other every day. It's so cool!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

You better sit down for this!!

Are you sitting?


Here goes!;)

Trinity is going to be a big sister in January!!! Yes I know everyone gave up on me but it's true and we are all very happy. The baby is actually due around Mom and Lou's b-day! Wouldn't that be the coolest! Trinity told EVERYONE at school, even the Assistant Principal! She is sooooo excited. Well that's all for now. Will post more later.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Circus & Zoo

Last night I took Trin to the circus at our school. She loved it, even though it was a little cheesy! Yesterday morning all of the school kids got to go over to the high school and watch the elephants raise the big tent. We had ball practice last night so I had to leave the circus early to go to practice but Trin stayed with a friend of mine to finish watching the circus. She came to practice when the circus was over. Our first game is a week from tomorrow, so I am trying to get in as many practices as I can. We have practice again tonight and tomorrow. Today was Trinity's field trip with her kindergarten class. So we took off to Mesker Zoo in Evansville for the day. We only stayed at the zoo about 2 hours but this was long enough for all of the kids. And what a wonderful day to go to the zoo.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Recap

Saturday morning we went to an Easter egg hunt at Elnora. Normally they have a really good hunt, but this year I was not very impressed. Trin had fun so I guess that's all that matters. Then that afternoon we finally had our first ball practice, in the mud! Sunday, we went to Crystal's for lunch and another egg hunt. Needless to say, we have plenty of candy. After getting home from Crystal's, we went down to John's aunt Melodys house for a get together with the Knepp family. Now we are off to bed to get ready for another busy week. I have all next week scheduled to sub. at school. I was scheduled all last week also. I will probably work the rest of the school year. I have been booked solid since February, which is a good thing.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Spring Break

We had spring break this week so Thursday afternoon we headed down to French Lick to go to the new water park. It was really neat but I thought it was more for little kids. Trinity had a blast! We stayed at the hotel last night, and went back to the park today for a few hours. Everyone was exhausted and ready to come home.

As you could see from the pictures, we went with our friends, Mike and Priscilla Malone and their kids, Ethan and Miriley. After we left the water park, we stopped by West Baden Springs Hotel to show Trin and Nicole the dome atrium. It is the neatest place. They were setting up for a huge welcome party for some National Guard troops, so they didn't have the furniture out like usual but it was still really awesome!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Taking Care of Braylei

Trin and I are just hanging out today, babysitting Braylei. Annie watched her all night last night and then brought her over here this morning before she went to school. Nicole came in and helped for a little while and just now went home. We ate lunch, played with toys, gave Trin and Braylei a bath, then put Braylei down for a nap. She is now nine months old and is alot more work. Kinda forgot what it is like! She went to sleep around 1pm so hopefully she will sleep for a little while. Nicole put Braylei in the toy basket earlier and Braylei thought it was pretty neat.

We will probably have her until LeighAnn gets off of work around 8:00pm. She is a pretty good baby and absolutely LOVES Trin.